Teaching Your Child to Love Learning for Life

Most of us start out inquisitive and creative, but after facing the pressures of life, some people lose that love for learning. Children who learn to love learning early on often carry that interest with them throughout their lives. Every day can be a learning experience, which leaves room for openness, curiosity and seeing life as an opportunity. Here’s how you can instill a love of learning in your child. 

Read Together

One of the most valuable tools for activating a child’s imagination is reading to them. Read a variety of stories, from true life adventures to science epics. When your child is ready, encourage them to read to you. The act of reading together makes reading a more engaging experience, which is important for developing, inquisitive minds. 

Make Learning Fun

There’s more to learning than reading and writing. Show your child how learning applies to everyday life. Go exploring together in nature, and have them record their observations as a science lesson. Play board games as a family to teach your child about storytelling, math and more. You can always find opportunities to learn together. 

Say “I Don’t Know” 

Every once in a while, your child will stump you. They’ll ask you “why” one too many times, and you won’t know the answer to the question. You may be tempted to make something up that seems plausible, but that won’t help them learn. Admit that you don’t know, and take the opportunity to learn something new together. Go on a research journey, and validate your child’s curiosity. 

Explore Their Interests

Children often cling to a particular interest — or several — and refuse to let go. Explore their interests with them. If they love butterflies this week, see if there’s a museum exhibit nearby that you can take them to. Maybe they’re into snakes, and it’s time to check out some books about their reptilian friends from the library. 

Ask More Questions

Teach your child to be curious by modeling curiosity. Open-ended questions like “why do you think that is?” and “how did you come to that conclusion?” can help your child look deeper into what they’re learning. The critical thinking process is an essential part of learning, and by getting those gears turning early on in life, you’ll put your child ahead of the game. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, we hope all of our students develop a lifelong love of learning. Students at our Tampa private school thrive creatively, academically and spiritually in a project-based learning environment. Faculty and families work together to inspire leadership through Christian innovation. Contact us today to learn more.