Tips for Acing Standardized Tests


Test taking can be intimidating, even for the smartest students. There always seems to be too much time to anxiously anticipate the upcoming test and not enough time to study for it. If your child struggles with standardized tests, know that he’s not alone. Many students find these tests intimidating. Our Tampa private school has tips for acing the next standardized test:

Prepare Ahead of Time

Just like any test, standardized tests are easier if you study. Practice tests are available for most standardized tests, as well as guides to taking them. Check in advance if guessing will count for or against your overall score. The night before the test, make sure to get plenty of sleep. The morning of, eat a hearty breakfast, and pack your bag with extra pencils. To take stress out of the experience, arrive early, and take deep breaths beforehand to stay calm. Preparing for the test mentally and physically gives you an advantage.


Start with the Easiest Questions

When taking a long test, it seems obvious that you would answer the questions in order. However, starting with the easiest questions has several benefits. First, you will get through the test faster. When you waste time on difficult questions, you risk running out of time, and you lose momentum. Skipping around to questions you know the answer to helps boost your confidence, which will make it easier to go back and answer the more difficult questions in a timely manner.

Read Through the Answers Carefully

Before reading through the answers to a question, consider how you would answer. If you know the right answer before reading the options, you will be more confident when your theory is confirmed. Consider all the options carefully, keeping in mind that these tests are meant to be tricky. Eliminate any choices that are obviously wrong before answering the question. This way, you don’t waste time reconsidering or doubting yourself, and you narrow down your options. 


Pay Attention to Long Questions

When long questions come up on a test, it can be tempting to skim them and move on to the easier multiple choice questions. However, going through quickly and carelessly will end up taking more time, since you will likely have to re-read what you’ve skimmed. Read the instructions carefully to make sure you understand the context and know how to answer the question. Highlight key points to make it easier to answer the question fully. This can also save you time if you find yourself needing to reread the question.

Pace Yourself

If you’re being timed, it’s tempting to get through the task at hand as fast as possible. With a long-form test, this can lead to careless mistakes, like marking wrong answers or skipping questions. If you feel like you’re racing the clock, the process will become more stressful, which can be detrimental to your performance. Figure out a good pace by taking a timed practice test in advance. If you end up with leftover time, use it to review your answers. Even if you feel confident, there’s no harm in looking back and making sure you did not make any glaring mistakes. 

At North Tampa Christian Academy, a Tampa private school, the faculty, staff, and families work as a team. Our service-oriented approach builds Christian leaders who think deeply, choose wisely, create beauty, and use their dreams to solve problems. Want to learn more about what makes us different? Contact us today.